Cancellation/Refund Policy

We understand that life circumstances may require some students to drop out of a class. Our refund policy is as follows:

  • 28+ Days Notice: Full Refund minus the cost of course materials shipped/shipping fees plus a $25 transaction fee (for courses >$200)
  • 21-27 Days Notice: 75% Refund
  • 14-20 Days Notice: 50% Refund
  • 7-13 Days Notice: 25% Refund
  • < 7 Days Notice: No Refund

Students who wish to cancel also have the option to enroll for a different course date in lieu of a refund.

Beyond Limits Education reserves the right to cancel classes due to insufficient enrollment or other unforeseen circumstances. Enrollees in these classes will be given the option to reschedule or receive a full refund.